Editor GUI Table  2.3
Allows programmers to easily create customizable tables in Unity Editor
EditorGUITable Namespace Reference


class  ActionCell
 This cell class draws a button which, when clicked, will trigger the action given in the constructor. More...
class  GUITable
 Main Class of the Table Plugin. This contains static functions to draw a table, from the most basic to the most customizable.
class  GUITableEntry
class  GUITableLayout
 Main Class of the Table Plugin. This contains static functions to draw a table, from the most basic to the most customizable, using GUILayout functions.
class  GUITableOption
class  GUITableState
 The current state of the GUITable. This has to be used the same way state parameters are used in Unity GUI functions, like the scroll position in BeginScrollView. It has to be passed from one GUI frame to another by keeping a reference in your calling code. More...
class  LabelCell
 This cell class draws a string as a label. This is useful for properties you want to display in the table as read only, as the default PropertyField used in PropertyCell uses editable fields. More...
class  ObjectCell
 This entry class just uses EditorGUILayout.ObjectField to draw a given property. More...
class  PropertyCell
 This cell class just uses EditorGUILayout.PropertyField to draw a given property. This is the basic way to use GUITable. It will draw the properties the same way Unity would by default. More...
class  ReorderableTableAttribute
 Attribute that automatically draws a collection as a table with the Reorderable option enabled More...
class  ReorderableTableDrawer
class  SelectFromCellTypeColumn
 This class represents a column that will draw Property Cells from the given property name, relative to the collection element's serialized property. More...
class  SelectFromFunctionColumn
 This class represents a column that will draw cells using the given function from the element's serialized property. This allows to build any type of table cell. More...
class  SelectFromPropertyNameColumn
 This class represents a column that will draw Property Cells from the given property name, relative to the collection element's serialized property. More...
class  SelectObjectReferenceColumn
 This class represents a column that will draw Property Cells from the given property name, relative to the collection element's serialized property. More...
class  SelectorColumn
 This class represents a column that can automatically get a cell from an element's serialized property. It is abstract so there can be several ways to get this cell. More...
class  TableAttribute
 Attribute that automatically draws a collection as a table More...
class  TableAttributeParsingException
class  TableCell
 Base class for all table cells. DrawCell needs to be overriden to draw the cell. Use this to customize the table however needed. CompareTo can be overriden to customize the sorting. comparingValue is used as a fallback for sorting any types of cells, even different types. More...
class  TableColumn
 Base class for all table columns. It only takes a title and a width in the constructor, but other settings are available to customize the column. More...
class  TableColumnEntry
class  TableColumnOption
class  TableDrawer
 Drawer for the Table Attribute. See the TableAttribute class documentation for the limitations of this attribute. More...